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Vaccination is a very delicate subject, especially following the Covid-19 pandemia, therefore, I must immediately clarify my point of view: I am not anti-vaccination and I am not against the vaccination of children (I will return to this question later). We must not hide that vaccination has side-effects, some of them quite serious, which can […]


The four elements of traditional philosophy, soil, water, air, and fire, precisely correspond to the four states of the matter, solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Water fits perfectly into this scheme, and stands out at the same time

Lyssenko (EV)

Ever heard of the Hundred Years’ War? No, not the one against the English, which was a long time ago, but the current one, Russian-American, which is crystallizing in Ukraine. As its name indicates, it debuted a hundred years ago with a scientific quarrel. Across the Atlantic, following the work of the monk Mendel, Morgan’s […]